If you’re a fan of Gallup CliftonStrengths and the CoreClarity methodology as I am – you may be familiar with the Talent of Maximizer, my #3. That’s the one where “good enough is not enough, it has to be great”. It has often felt like a curse and a blessing as I strive to do everything to a high standard.
I was taken aback recently when my sister, who does not have Maximizer in her top 5, but is a Professional Organizer, offered to come over and ‘sort out’ my Closet. After an initial feeling of resistance, I agreed, wondering how much better could it be – it wasn’t awful or was it?
When you look at the before and after pictures, you might be impressed and ask me for her contact information. Or you might be thinking, it wasn’t that bad but look how much better it is. Just like in your personal and professional development, wherever you start is where you are, and you may not know what Great looks like yet, even if you have the Maximizer Talent. You may not see what other people see, what you’re capable of, how you show up or what they expect of you.
Whether it’s for you, someone who works for you or one of the teams you lead, getting from good to great is possible with the help of a professional coach. Of course, transforming your closet isn’t as complex as what you need to do in individual or team coaching. I found it hard work but in the end, realized all sorts of benefits. Can you put a value on increasing your communication or executive presence or the productivity, engagement, or retention of your team?