Team Coaching Why Organizations Need More Effective Teams.
Increasingly, the most frequent issues that leaders and managers bring to coaching is how to lead and develop their teams. One of the reasons is that working on a team isn’t the same as working as a team! Working as a team requires collaboration, more communication, more listening and more willingness to let ego go to achieve the team purpose.
As teams are increasingly virtual, global and multicultural, the challenges become even greater. Add to that managing expectations of multiple stakeholders, the need to adapt and innovate faster and the reality of having to run the business and transform it and the need for effective team coaching becomes clear.
We coach the whole team in workshops, virtual or live and in their team meetings so they can:
- Be clear about their purpose
- Function at more than the sum of its parts
- Partner effectively with all its stakeholders
- Learn and create new ways of working together
“Not Finance. Not Strategy. Not Technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”
-Patrick Lencioni (2002)

Leadership Training & Workshops
Leadership Training Courses and Professional Development Workshops offered through Turtle Executive Coaching help organizations maintain their competitive advantage by building the individual capabilities and combined bench strength of their most valued asset – their workforce.
Team & Group Coaching
Our Workshops and Training Courses designed to coach teams, groups, Boards or departments can be conducted on-site at:
Team Get-Togethers - Corporate Sales Meetings -
Regional or Division Sales Gatherings - Board Development Retreats
(Virtual or In-Person)
Common challenges that our group coaching programs address include:
Creating stronger cohesion among Virtual Teams Working Remotely
Strengthening communication skills in Individuals Adjusting to Working As Part Of A Team
Improving cooperation and collaboration among Smart People With Social-Interaction Challenges
Restoring the functionality to Dysfunctional Boards
Executive Coaching
In today’s highly competitive business environment, corporations and entrepreneurs alike understand that most employees, while possessing many valuable talents, may lack some of the functional skills critical to driving a company’s success. They recognize that it’s difficult to develop these skills on their own. That’s where Turtle Executive Coaching comes in. We help facilitate the behaviors that lead to growth.
Our Executive Coaching programs help your employees to:
- Explore their career options
- Develop stronger working relationships
- Strengthen their leadership skills
- Increase their productivity
- Tap into their own emotional intelligence
- Build an executive presence
- Improve their team-building skills
- Enhance their ability to move up the company ladder
- Assist with their transition to a new role or department

Career Transitioning/Onboarding
When you’re managing associates who find themselves experiencing a change in position, a change in management, a change in department, or any other type of transition, Turtle Executive Coaching can help them navigate the challenges. We provide the guidance your workforce needs to magnify their personal potential in order to better contribute to your company’s success.