The Guidance To Grow Leadership Coaching For Executives, Teams & Entrepreneurs.
Coaching doesn’t change your personality but it does change your behavior! We believe in the effectiveness of professional coaching because we have seen it work with 100’s of executives in different professions and in different parts of the country and the world. They gain greater insight into their behavior, develop new skills and become more successful in their roles and businesses.
We help build self-awareness, identify obstacles, challenge assumptions and motivate our clients to create the goals and then the action plans to achieve them. Ultimately it’s about getting results!

Assessing Individual Talents
When we work within our talents, we not only achieve success, we find fulfillment. Because when we do what we love, we thrive. Irené guides her clients through a discovery process that identifies their core talents, compels them to utilize and maximize those talents, and encourages them to not only visualize what is possible, but to achieve it.
Turtle Executive Coaching uses a variety of assessment tools that help the executive build awareness and identify gaps in their behavior or approach. We also utilize 360 interviews which are invaluable in helping clients address their blind spots and learn how others see them.
Gallup CliftonStrengths
Gallup CliftonStrengths is an online talent assessment tool that identifies our top 5 naturally occurring Talents (out of a total of 34). This lets us discover what we natural do best, develop our talents into strengths and help us to maximize our potential
People who get to use their strengths at work are 6 times more engaged and 3 times as likely to have an excellent quality of life.
Organizations that invest in strengths based development achieve as much as a 29% increase in profit

Core Clarity
CoreClarity is an additional methodology that we use in conjunction with Gallup CliftonStrengths. CoreClarity brings Color and Clarity to our understanding and is a disciplined approach to understand our talents even further and to interpret how those talents and the talents of others around us affect motivations, daily decisions and so much more.
We help teams leverage their talents into strengths and to realize their competitive advantage, increase collaboration and drive results.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence and its effect on our success as both individual contributors in any field and especially as leaders is now well documented. Emotional Intelligence is not a buzz word or just a theory but something that we can measure using the original assessment tools EQi -2.0 and EQ 360.
Leader or Liability
Workplace bullying is widespread and takes many forms but is rarely addressed. We have spent years witnessing the effects of bullying behavior on engagement, retention and productivity and the devastating impact on those affected. For these people, coaching can be very helpful in regaining their confidence and building resilience but our work also involves dealing with the organizations who tolerate and often unknowingly turn a blind eye in the interests of retaining employees perceived as indispensable.
Building Rapport
For Coaching to be effective, it must be collaborative. A successful outcome depends on your capacity to grow, your willingness to engage in introspection, and your openness to new ideas. But another critical component to the success of a coaching partnership is the relationship built between client and coach. Honest and direct feedback as well as challenging your assumptions and thinking is very much part of our approach. We help you to set or fine tune the goals, commit to action and follow through. Having an accountability partner is an important component.
Additional Assessment Tools and Certifications
We are trained and certified to use a variety of other assessment tools :
- EQi – 2.0 and EQ -360
- Hogan Leadership Forecast
- MBTI (Meyer’s Brigg)
- CiQ Conversational Intelligence Practitioner
- Certified Coach Master Toolkit Practioner
- Global Team Coaching Institute
Some of the many issues we help to address in coaching are:
Learn to appreciate your own abilities and have faith enough in them to make sound decisions in the face of uncertainty and pressure. Express yourself in an assured and unhesitating manner.
Improve your active listening skills, become more open-minded, understand the effect your verbal and non-verbal communication styles have on others when dealing with friends, family, and colleagues.
Maximize your innate growth potential by pursuing new ideas and alternative solutions. Use a creative, thought-provoking process that supports both individual and team performance.
Become more skilled at resolving conflicts, leading teams, and relating to your boss, co-workers, and others in your life. Increase your personal effectiveness by dealing rationally in the face of crisis and chaos.
Cut through mind clutter, better prioritize tasks, and approach challenges from an elevated perspective. Trust your coach to act as a confidential thought partner who’ll help you attain your desired outcomes.
As you experience transitions in your life and career, learn how to more effectively manage those changes and the way in which you react to them. You’ll create positive results for both yourself and your organization.
When it comes to achieving career success, hard work and good presentation alone don’t always equate to executive presence. Discover how to build this key component for elevating your business profile.
Hone your ability to get your clients, team or colleagues to understand, appreciate an agree with your ideas and strategies.
Understand the importance of delegation, set expectations and develop the skills and techniques necessary to hold your team accountable for achieving the results you want.